day three hundred and fifteen

11th November, 2010

Another one of my favourite street artists in Berlin, ‘El Bocho’. Usually featuring the character Little Lucy torturing her cat.

day three hundred and fourteen

10th November, 2010

Walked all over Kreuzberg today, and this was my favourite street art piece from the day. Not quite sure who is responsible for the stencil, but its had the ‘Cut & Go’ treatment done to it.

day three hundred and thirteen

9th November, 2010

The lone tourist.

day three hundred and twelve

8th November, 2010

Walking through Berlin Mitte today and I stumbled upon an older piece of street art by the very well known ‘xoooox’.

day three hundred and eleven

7th November, 2010

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. Berlin, Germany.

day three hundred and ten

6th November, 2010

Random alley in Berlin.

day three hundred and nine

5th November, 2010

Would you ever mess with a lion? Look at the size of those paws.

day three hundred and eight

4th November, 2010

A waiter outside a restaurant in the town square of Wroclaw, Poland. Really happy with this photo. Will look fantastic as a print on a blank wall.

day three hundred and seven

3rd November, 2010

One of the better memorials ive ever seen. Commemorating the 22,000 Polish Army Officers, Policemen and other prisoners who were shot in the back of the head after orders from Stalin in the Spring of 1940.

day three hundred and six

2nd November, 2010

Can’t be bothered travel day photo.